Retractable Reels: With Flat Lanyard Strap Connectors / Adpaters

Great Retractable Name Badge Holder Reels
With Lanyard Strap Connectors
Combine Colors and Hardware Attachments
To Get Price Break!

Retractable Reels Available Colors:

  • 1. Black
  • 2. Blue
  • 3. Clear
  • 4. Red
  • 5. White

7 Hardware Attachments Available:

  • 1. -ST Badge Srtaps
  • 2. -BC Badge Clips
  • 3. -0 Key Rings
  • 4. -HK Swivel Hooks
  • 5. -SK Spring Hooks
  • 6. -CP1 Universal Cell Phone String
  • 7. -CP2 Detachable Cell Phone String

Note: > -CP2 +$0.50/each will be added automatically

The loop-hole of the retractable reel fits 3/4" and 5/8" wide lanyard straps.

The retractable reel for name badge holders comes with a square loop-hole for use with lanyard straps. The loop-hole fits 3/4" and 5/8" wide lanyard straps. Our RT-21 is great as a retractable reel by itself and as a connector or adapter for fabric lanyards as well as plastic and leather straps.

The retractable reel with the strap adapter was specifically designed as an easy-to-use product. This item is great for manufacturers and individuals. Interchange the colors of retractable reels and lanyards to customize the product to your liking!

Great Add-On: Easy To Add-On More Universal Cell Phone Strings

Custom Imprint: Any custom imprint available with a minimum order of 50 pcs
Custom Hardware: A variety of custom hardware attachments, belt clips or connectors available

ItemNo: RT-21/Per-Piece
Market Price $5.50
Your Factory Direct Wholesale Price Low as $0.55 / each
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For Larger Order 1,000+ Please Call 1-800-921-5523 or
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