Dual Tone Shoelace Personalized Lanyards
On Special Sale Now!
Can Combine Color Schemes and Hardware Attachments To Get Total Quantity Break Pricing!
Lanyard Straps: 3/4"(D)x36"(L)
Lanyard Material: Durable Polyester.
The dual tone shoelace personalized is a thick shoe lace lanyard. There are 196 color combination to personalized your lanyard for your badge holder.
Note: The standard pricing comes with -HK, -BC or -O attachments.
-TK trigger hook + $0.10 each piece.

Custom Imprint Available: Please check our custom imprinted lanyard section
Custom Color: Any custom Pantone color straps available with a minimum order of 3,000 pcs.
Custom Hardware: A variety of custom
hardware attachments, buckles or connectors available.